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Search & Filter Information

To get the most from your search we recommend reading this note.

Entries requested from the 'Search Bar' will provide a list of items that include ALL the words entered specifically in that order. This is standard 'Search' protocol. The search output will NOT show items that do not contain any one of the words entered.

The 'Price-Filter' section is standard. You can enter a range of prices that you would like to be shown. Once you have entered a maximum or minimum prices, click 'Go'.

The 'Keyword-Filter' can be a powerful tool to use to get the most from your search. We recommend getting familiar with the power of this section, specifically the slider-bar. However, the filter may pick up part words - for example if you want to filter on 'Mint', you may get a person called 'Minty' - so, as always, do your own research.

>>> The default setting for the slider-bar is 'Any'. This means that the items to be listed will be any item that contains 'ANY' of the words selected in this section. So it will provide the most wide-ranging list of items. As an example, if you ticked the boxes 'Casualty' and 'Nurse' and had the slider on 'Any', your output will be those items that have the word 'Casualty' OR 'Nurse' in the item name / description.

>>> If you were to change the slider-bar to 'All', then the items being listed will only be those that contain 'ALL' the words selected in this filter section. This will mean a very restricted and precise search. As an example, if you ticked the boxes 'Casualty' and 'Nurse' and had the slider on 'All', your output will be those items that have the word 'Casualty' AND 'Nurse' in the item name / description.

The 'Retailer-Filter' section is standard. You can limit the items shown by ticking the boxes of the required selling retailer(s). Those retailers that are 'ticked' will ONLY be shown when the 'Go' button is pressed.

You can reset individual filter sections by clicking the 'reset' button. The 'reset' button in the 'Keyword-Filter' section will also reset the slider to 'Any'.

You can 'reset all' elements by clicking the 'Reset All' button. This will reset the search bar and all filter elements. The reset all button is not available on the mobile version of Medal Marketplace, although the same full reset can be achieved by re-clicking on the 'search' link.

If you have any questions regarding the search or filtering system, please do contact us.